Panel one is actually my favorite. I work best when I have a lot of freedom and it was much easier for me to navigate my own code and CSS rather than browsing through someone else's despite it being labelled fairly well. I was able to utilize a masonry grid using Javascript which is new to me and was a lot of fun to figure out. I like my sites simple and easy to navigate - this panel shows that. Despite all of this, I wish I was able to make the masonry grid morph more smoothly when opening the descriptions - I couldn't figure it out even after a few hours of debugging.
Panel two was my least favorite. It is too standard almost and just seems a bit clunky. I also love white backgrounds and was not a fan of how dark this one was. I did like how there is a Call to Action button that allowed me to link my page - a digital space for cultivating non-algorithmic inspiration that I use frequently. I was also not a fan of the serif font used, I much prefer the sans-serif fonts used in panels one and three.
I really liked panel three. My favorite part about it is the disappearing nav bar on scroll. This allows for the content to take priority and is still there if you need it on a simple scroll-up. This was tricky to implement using Javascript, but I am happy with the result and think it adds a lot to the page. I also like the white background that matches panel one. This was the hardest to implement because it was difficult to navigate and sort through the 1000 line CSS file, but I think the result strikes a great balance between the two previous panels.